3 Axis Precision CNC Machining Without Downtime.
SIGMA FAST 6W40 CNC milling machine - gantry structure and two raster tables.
SIGMA series CNC milling machines, by FANUM from Wielopole Skrzyńskie (Podkarpackie Province), are used for precise processing of elements made of wood, wood-based materials, composites, plastics and aluminum. They are designed for quick and efficient processing of three-dimensional solids mounted on templates. The innovative approach to the construction of CNC machines has created a rigid structure for machining elements of chairs, tables, stairs, and even 3D models. Two independent vacuum raster tables allow continuous work without downtime when clamping the workpieces. The compact and compact CNC machining head allows for precise machining of details with complex shapes.
Two tables and 6 axes
The standard equipment includes the milling machine with 6 interpolated axes and a rigid gantry structure. Thanks to the use of a compact four-spindle head of the Dual Cross type in the CNC, it is possible to speed up the machining times of elements processed with various CNC tools. In addition to two independent CNC tables, they are equipped with a linear axis X, driven by toothed bars, which allows faster and quieter operation of the milling machine during machining.
CNC for Woodworking
- These types of CNC machines are most often used in the production of chairs, tables, beds, stairs, molds, models - says Kazimierz Skorupski, co-owner of FANUM. - In practice, we make several different versions of this machining center, depending on the machining ranges in the X axes. This year, for the BEROTU company from Glinno near Nowy Tomyśl, which produces furniture for the IKEA chain, we made the SIGMA FAST 6W40 center with five interpolated axes, with the possibility of precise three-axis machining of elements on two raster tables with the dimensions of 2400 x 2400 mm, and in the Z axis up to a height of 250 mm. Both independent work fields have been equipped with vacuum raster tables.
The machine has a construction of a horizontal beam, supported on both sides on two columns, made of thick-walled steel sections with a closed profile, welded and properly thermally stress relieved. The equipment consisted of rail guides and a rack gear of the X axis drive. Heads with six processing spindles arranged in line were installed on the beam. Each of them is additionally moved pneumatically along the vertical Z axis. Such a system allows the use of any machining configuration. The construction of the working head support is made of steel plates and sections as well as aluminum castings. In the interpolated X and Z axes, the movement takes place with the participation of linear bearings and rail guides, and the drive is a servo motor. The drive is transmitted along the X axis by a rack and pinion system with helical teeth, and along the Z axis by a ball screw-nut system. In the Z axis, there is also a system that prevents the head from gravitational falling in the event of a power failure, and a pneumatic actuator to compensate for the mass of the carriage.
Gate structure and six electrospindles
The power of each of the six CNC electrospindles with automatic tool change is 7.5 kW, and the maximum speed is 24,000 rpm. They are air-cooled and controlled by Yaskawa inverters. Ceramic bearings are used. In both work tables, the interpolated, double Y axis uses a drive from a servo motor, and the drive transmission is through a rack and pinion system with skew teeth. Their range of motion depends on the operating mode of the center. The tables can be operated alternately or simultaneously, simultaneously, on both tables, in the "tandem" mode. The gantry structure of the CNC milling machine ensures excellent rigidity and the possibility of precise processing of spatial details up to five sides from one mounting.