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FANUM company directory

DFM upholstered furniture manufacturer

DFM produces high quality furniture for Benelux, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the USA. DFM offers living room furniture, upholstered furniture and lounge furniture.

Production optimisation

CNC machining centres for upholstered furniture

DFM continues to invest in the development and optimisation of production processes. In recent years, the company has undergone major organisational changes. Along with the expansion of the production area, the production process has been optimised. State-of-the-art production lines have been purchased, including 2 professional CNC machining centres for furniture - Sigma model.

Sigma CNC machining centres equipped with automatically positioned work tables (beam type). Each beam (6 in total) has an independent servo motor controlled by a CNC controller. After selecting an appropriate programme, the beams automatically position themselves in a given position for a specific workpiece. This results in reduced machine changeover (setup) time, which has a significant impact on production efficiency.

Key features and equipment options for Sigma CNC machines:

  1. automatically positioned work tables
  2. auto-calibration system
  3. dust collection system with chip extraction
  4. full enclosure with roof to minimize dust in the machining area
  5. vacuum pumps with a capacity of 250 m3
  6. multi-spindle milling heads with automatic tool changing (ATC)
  7. measuring probes
  8. automatic tool changers
  9. drilling agragates


  • Wielopole Skrzyńskie 11B
  • 39-110 Wielopole Skrzyńskie
  • NIP: 818-16-55-251
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