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FANUM company directory

Nedcam – Shaping technology, a Dutch manufacturer of high-quality plugs, moulds for the composites industry, models, prototypes and complete products from various materials based on digital 2D and 3D designs with high-performance 5-axis CNC machines.

Nedcam main markets are yacht building, wind industry and automotive. Recently Nedcam also invested in latest hybrid manufacturing technology - the Fanum Lambda VTM XXL (3D Printer and 5 axis milling machine in one). With this new advanced hybrid machine, they can mill and print at a range of 12m and 50+ kg per hour.

Fanum hybrid manufacturing system is a truly innovative solution that is revolutionising manufacturing in the composites industry. The system allows 3D printing of models and then milling them in 5 axes to the required tolerances and shape, using a single CNC machine.

Fanum large-format additive manufacturing (LFAM) machine is capable of 3D printing from a variety of materials, where the source material is a pellet. The print head is moved by the axes of the CNC machine tool. This allows normal use of the machine after printing in 3- and 5-axis operations, such as milling, drilling, cutting, threading, etc., when the extruder is in storage outside the work area.


  • Wielopole Skrzyńskie 11B
  • 39-110 Wielopole Skrzyńskie
  • NIP: 818-16-55-251
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