milling plotter cnc

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CNC milling plotter for wood, plywood, plexiglass, for banners.
2D 3D Plotter Trio NT

A CNC plotter is also often called a milling plotter. Milling plotters are modern and precise CNC machines designed for machining a wide range of materials: wood, chipboard, MDF, OSB, plywood, PVC plastics, plexiglass or dibond. Its task is to cut, drill, cut and engrave selected patterns or shapes in various types of surfaces. That is why they are widely used in the wood, furniture and advertising industries.

Trio NT Fanum CNC milling router

The TRIO series CNC milling plotter combines the advantages of a fast, lightweight plotter and a milling machine designed for heavy material processing. We definitely qualify Trio as a professional CNC machining center, adapted to efficient and heavy 3-shift work. For example, the weight of the machine tool speaks for it. In the standard version with a working area of ​​2100x3100mm and a stroke of 250mm in the Z axis, the weight reaches nearly 5500 kg! Trio plotters use high-quality components from renowned manufacturers. It guarantees repeatability, precision of machining and long-term, trouble-free use.

The advantage is undoubtedly the speed and precision of the machine. The trio is distinguished by a stable, rigid and compact structure. The table base is made of steel profiles with a closed section and steel plates, properly reinforced with internal ribbing, welded and thermally stress relieved. This is an important element of the plotter, which translates into the accuracy of the machine's work. The dimensions and the available ranges of the working area allow the plotter to be used both in small plants and in spacious production halls, successfully implementing large-format orders.

FANUM machines are trouble-free to use, have an intuitive interface and a friendly control system, so they can be used even by novice users. They enable machining of surfaces - both flat and geometric solids. The 3-axis portal CNC center is adapted to the processing of demanding materials and the creation of complex patterns, which are used in such production sectors as, for example, aviation or the defense industry.

CNC software + nesting

All machines manufactured by FANUM have a fully digital control system that allows for efficient and accurate processing of elements with complex shapes. The machine programming system complies with ISO standards. The machining programs consist of G-codes, created with the use of any CAD / CAM software available on the market and an appropriate postprocessor. Trio's CAD / CAM software allows you to design and program machining items. The software can import designs from other programs as well as provides a full set of drawing and editing tools. The tools for producing the path include details typical for CNC machines, such as: profiling, automatic inserts, pockets, and drilling. The software version for machines with 3 and 4 interpolated axes is a fully functional, professional CAD / CAM system that is used to create advanced machining programs for numerically controlled machining centers. The program includes a module for machining in the "nesting" system. Together with the software, a postprocessor is delivered - a program for processing data received from the program into ISO code, compliant with the requirements of the machine control system.

The use of Trio CNC machines

The Trio milling plotter is used to process:

    plastics (PVC, plexiglass, HPL laminates, etc.), composites (carbon, alucarbon, etc.), wood or wood-based materials (plywood, chipboards, MDF).

The rigid structure gives the machine high resistance to the loads associated with the processing of harder materials, such as:

    soft metals (aluminum, brass). Intuitive and friendly control system makes the device can be operated by experienced as well as beginners.

CNC Accessories & additional 4th axis

At the customer's request, the machines can be configured and supplemented with additional equipment. A wide range of available accessories or the ability to raise the Z axis to 700 mm significantly increase the machining capabilities of the milling plotter. Undoubtedly, the cooling system that operates while the machine is running (oil mist, compressed air) may prove useful. When processing e.g. wood, a chip extraction will be required. The plotter can also be equipped with a spindle with automatic tool change and a tool magazines. This option allows you to significantly reduce the machining time. On the other hand, the plotter equipped with a spindle with an additional 4 axis C and angular aggregate allows you to process the required element with one clamping.

Based on many years of experience and technical knowledge, our specialists are able to select the best device for the client's application, along with the necessary equipment. We provide the necessary training in the operation and programming of the purchased CNC plotter. During the training, future operators will learn about the construction and operation of the machine tools


  • Wielopole Skrzyńskie 11B
  • 39-110 Wielopole Skrzyńskie
  • NIP: 818-16-55-251
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